Friday, 30 September 2022

“Developing a Festival” Appendix “II” – Volunteers and Manpower Committee

 Each section committee has different functions they are responsible for. There may be some interaction necessary from time to time. It is important for all committees to communicate with each other, especially where interaction is likely. Each festival will prepare its own list of committee functions, but here is a list of possible Volunteers and Manpower Committee functions.

    Work with section committee chairs to determine overall festival manpower needs

    Create overall manpower chart

    Develop list of all potential volunteers

    In conjunction with section chairs, assign each volunteer to a section committee (some volunteers may be assigned to more than one committee)

    Prepare list of recommendations to overcome volunteer shortfalls (if required)

    Investigate potential outside manpower (paid or not) and make recommendations to Board

    Prepare a shortfall list for presentation to Board of Directors

    In conjunction with section chairs, prepare written task descriptions for each volunteer

    Prepare an overall manpower duty roster

    Prepare two overall manpower list, one for the planning stage and one for the implementation stage

    Develop a manpower “monitoring” plan for festival

    Develop an overall festival work schedule, including “rest breaks”

    Develop a list of materials required for “rest” areas (food, cots, beverages, first aid, etc.)

    Develop a volunteer “thank you” strategy (letters; awards; festival souvenir)

Friday, 23 September 2022

Developing a Festival” Appendix “HH” – Benefactor Program Committee

 Each section committee has different functions they are responsible for. There may be some interaction necessary from time to time. It is important for all committees to communicate with each other, especially where interaction is likely. Each festival will prepare its own list of committee functions, but here is a list of possible Benefactor Program Committee functions.

    Prepare a list of possible benefits that could be included in the program

    Determine number of levels to be offered

    Develop a Festival Benefactor Program with budget and submit to Board of Directors for approval

    Prepare a marketing plan for program

    Develop an administrative plan for program

    Create and print Benefactor Program literature

    Create a Benefactor Program “goodies” package

    Prepare Benefactor event itinerary

    Prepare event manpower schedule

Friday, 16 September 2022

“Developing a Festival” Appendix “GG” – Sponsorship and Donations Committee

 Each section committee has different functions they are responsible for. There may be some interaction necessary from time to time. It is important for all committees to communicate with each other, especially where interaction is likely. Each festival will prepare its own list of committee functions, but here is a list of possible Sponsorship and Donations Committee functions.

    Prepare a sponsorship and donation plan of action for Board approval

    Prepare detailed sponsorship audit of festival assets and describe what each item offers a potential sponsor

    Place a value on each asset

    Determine sponsorship categories (e.g. Title, Presented By, In Association With, etc.)

    Bundle assets into categories

    Determine value (tangible and intangible) of each sponsorship category

    Prepare list of prospect businesses that might be a festival patrons and then divide lists into 3 divisions – sponsor, donors and benefactors

    Develop sponsor proposals for each sponsor category

    Prepare customized Sponsorship Proposal for each prospective business

    Make sales calls and presentations to both potential sponsors and donors

    Have any contracts prepared and signed

    Prepare and implement Sponsor follow up plan

    Create and implement Sponsor fulfillment program

    Provide event assistance program and team

    Follow up post event to renew sponsorship contract

Friday, 9 September 2022

“Developing a Festival” Appendix “FF” – Internet Committee

 Each section committee has different functions they are responsible for. There may be some interaction necessary from time to time. It is important for all committees to communicate with each other, especially where interaction is likely. Each festival will prepare its own list of committee functions, but here is a list of possible Internet Committee functions.

    Create festival’s domain name, ensure its availability and have name approved by Board of Directors

    Register festival’s domain name

    Develop website map

    Create web page information including words and photos

    Hire website designer

    Work with web designer to develop festival website

    Arrange for hosting company

    Coordinate information from section committees and Board of Directors

    Have final website approved by Board of Directors before launching it

    Arrange for web links

    Create and sell web advertising (if desired)

    Create daily/weekly blog (if desired)

    Manage website, including updates and answering questions from committee members and public

Friday, 2 September 2022

“Developing a Festival” Appendix “EE” – Marketing and Media Committee

 Each section committee has different functions they are responsible for. There may be some interaction necessary from time to time. It is important for all committees to communicate with each other, especially where interaction is likely. Each festival will prepare its own list of committee functions, but here is a list of possible Marketing and Media Committee functions.

    Prepare media plan, including budget, for approval by Board of Directors

    Prepare media timetable including advertising and promotion

    Create and register festival logo

    Create festival adverting and promotional materials

    Arrange interviews and press releases

    Purchase media spots

    Oversee all media relations for festival

    Oversee all advertising and promotion, including content and contracts

    Look for opportunities for free advertising and promotion

    Negotiate contra ads

    Responsible for distribution of all festival marketing materials

    Responsible for the creation and placement of all festival signage (this includes directional signage, sponsorship, information, etc)

    Responsible for taking photos of festival both before and after event

    Keep a record and copies of all advertising and promotional materials

    Be on-hand at event to coordinate media questions and needs

    Arrange and manage media/community festival launch party

“Developing a Festival” Appendix “PP” – Amenities Coordinating Committee

  Each section committee has different functions they are responsible for. There may be some interaction necessary from time to time. It is ...