Each section committee has different functions they are responsible for. There may be some interaction necessary from time to time. It is important for all committees to communicate with each other, especially where interaction is likely. Each festival will prepare its own list of committee functions, but here is a list of possible Sponsorship and Donations Committee functions.
Prepare a sponsorship and donation plan of
action for Board approval
Prepare detailed sponsorship audit of festival
assets and describe what each item offers a potential sponsor
Place a value on each asset
Determine sponsorship categories (e.g. Title,
Presented By, In Association With, etc.)
Bundle assets into categories
Determine value (tangible and intangible) of
each sponsorship category
Prepare list of prospect businesses that might
be a festival patrons and then divide lists into 3 divisions – sponsor, donors
and benefactors
Develop sponsor proposals for each sponsor
Prepare customized Sponsorship Proposal for
each prospective business
Make sales calls and presentations to both
potential sponsors and donors
Have any contracts prepared and signed
Prepare and implement Sponsor follow up plan
Create and implement Sponsor fulfillment
Provide event assistance program and team
Follow up post event to renew sponsorship
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