Saturday, 11 September 2021

Development... continued

9.   Event Insurance

Event insurance is a must. You cannot hold your festival without it. There are many types of coverages and many ways to obtain insurance. Your best route is to speak with a qualified Insurance Broker in your area. If they can’t obtain coverage for you then they should be able to point you in the right direction. If they can’t help you, log onto the Festival & Events Ontario (FEO) website ( ). They have association members who specialize in event insurance.

10.   Key Festival Management

Before planning can take place, key festival management has to be put in place. These positions include: Festival Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and all key section chairs. Detailed job descriptions should be prepared for each position so that everyone knows what is expected of them and if they have to leave that position, the new person immediately knows his/her responsibilities.

11.   Committee Structure

How you structure your committee and the people you choose to assist you in the development of the festival will affect every aspect of the festival from start to finish. Just because someone volunteer’s to help doesn’t mean he/she is qualified to manage a portion of the festival. To have a successful festival you need knowledgeable, skill people who are dedicated to the completion and prosperity of the event. This means that you must pick and choose key people who can and will get the job done, no matter what obstacles come in their way. You wouldn’t run a company with unqualified people, so why run a festival that way? And, if someone doesn’t work out, replace them immediately. The ongoing cooperation of everyone involved is imperative for the ultimate success of the festival.

(To be continued)

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“Developing a Festival” Appendix “PP” – Amenities Coordinating Committee

  Each section committee has different functions they are responsible for. There may be some interaction necessary from time to time. It is ...