6. Preliminary Planning
Now that you have decided the most important aspect of your festival, it’s time to put it all in writing. Remember the clearer your vision of the festival, the easier it will be to plan and to pass on your vision to others. The preliminary plan is a “concept plan”. This means that it will likely change many times before the “final plan” is in place and accepted. The preliminary plan should give as much known detail as possible.
7. Financial Control
It is important to get your financial act together rights from the beginning. Make sure you have all the financial elements ready to be put in place as soon as your festival has been approved. Without the proper financial controls, your festival could be dead in the water before it gets off the ground.
8. Preliminary Budget
The preliminary budget is one of the most important elements of the development stage, because, if done honestly and properly, it will give you a clear idea of the viability of the festival. If the beginning numbers don’t make sense, the final figures will be a lot worse. Take the time to investigate the full costs of the festival and then adjust the festival development to bring the budget in line with reality.
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