Saturday, 25 June 2022

"Developing a Festival” - Plan Implementation

 The following are possible festival committees. The size and scope of each committee will depend on the festival’s management. Each committee is led by a committee chair. Each chair oversees his/her committee and reports to and is a member of the Festival’s Board of Directors.

14.    Legal and Contracts Committee

I believe it’s a good idea, especially for larger festivals, to have a legal/contract committee. In developing and implementing festivals there are many instances where sound legal advice is needed quickly. This could be in the form of contract development or contract review. It could be for incorporation or trademarking.  Having legal advice on hand will save time and money.


15.   Security and Transportation Committee

The security and transportation committee determines what security is needed both when the festival is operating and when it is closed. They also oversee, where needed, road closures, shuttle services, parking and on site transportation. They coordinate all these activities in cooperation with other festival committees. 

Saturday, 18 June 2022

"Developing a Festival” - Plan Implementation

 The following are possible festival committees. The size and scope of each committee will depend on the festival’s management. Each committee is led by a committee chair. Each chair oversees his/her committee and reports to and is a member of the Festival’s Board of Directors.


12.   Events and Activities Committee

This committee works with the Board of Directors to develop a list of potential events and activities that are in keeping with the theme and feel of the planned festival. Once the list has been approved by the Board, it’s the committee’s task to plan and develop each event and activity. That may require the committee breaking into sub-groups. 

13.   Vendors Committee

Once the festival’s structure has been approved by the Board of Directors, it is the responsibility of the Vendor Committee to develop a list of the types of vendors desired. The committee then prepares a strategy to find and sign up desired vendors. Once a vendor has been found and signed up, it’s the committees job the follow up with the vendors and keep them fully informed, before, during and after the festival.

Friday, 10 June 2022

"Developing a Festival” - Plan Implementation

 The following are possible festival committees. The size and scope of each committee will depend on the festival’s management. Each committee is led by a committee chair. Each chair oversees his/her committee and reports to and is a member of the Festival’s Board of Directors.

10.   Benefactors Program Committee

A Benefactor Program gives individuals and corporations the opportunity to become more involved in a festival. In return for various levels of support, benefactors are given a number of Benefactor rewards or benefits. For example, if an art festival was involved, there could be a “Meet the Artist Night”. The benefits could also include festival gear, special seating, tickets to special events, a celebrity golf tournament. Anything that you can think of could be included. A Benefactor Program raises the level of a festival by adding a feature that is not available to everyone, plus it adds an additional income stream for the festival.

11.   Volunteers and Manpower Committee

The success of a festival will be determined by the quality of its volunteers. This committee is responsible for recruiting and training the festival volunteers. The idea behind this committee is the have them work with all committees to make sure each has enough manpower to make their committee work. The volunteer/manpower committee oversees the entire manpower picture and moves volunteers to fill in when needed. The keys to the success of this committee are manpower control and training.

Friday, 3 June 2022

"Developing a Festival” - Plan Implementation

Once you have all your planning completed and your manpower in place, implementing your plan should be just as easy as painting a picture! The biggest challenge for the festival managers is to keep everyone focus on their tasks and not to get caught up in the overall challenges. The following is a detailed outline of the various tasks (by manager or section) that might need to be accomplished. This is a general outline that would need to be modified for individual festivals.

The following are possible festival committees. The size and scope of each committee will depend on the festival’s management. Each committee is led by a committee chair. Each chair oversees his/her committee and reports to and is a member of the Festival’s Board of Directors

7.   Marketing and Media Committee

This committee is responsible for the development and implementation of all marketing plans, including advertising and promotion. It would also be in charge of media relations.

8.   Internet Committee

The Internet is becoming more and more important for getting information out about products. The committee would control all aspects of the Internet, including website development and the ongoing maintenance of the site.

9.   Sponsorship and Donations Committee 

     Sponsorships and donations are needed to help new festivals defray initial start up costs and then help established festivals grow by increasing their marketing dollars.  Sponsorship dollars and donation dollars are NOT the same. They come out of different budgets within a corporation. Corporations are generally willing to pay a lot more marketing dollars for the right fit. Donation dollars are fewer and the competition is more intense. The bigger donation dollars generally go to charities rather than festivals. It is an important distinction and one that many festivals confuse. It is the job of the sponsorship/donation committee to understand these differences and plan their actions accordingly.

“Developing a Festival” Appendix “PP” – Amenities Coordinating Committee

  Each section committee has different functions they are responsible for. There may be some interaction necessary from time to time. It is ...