Saturday 25 June 2022

"Developing a Festival” - Plan Implementation

 The following are possible festival committees. The size and scope of each committee will depend on the festival’s management. Each committee is led by a committee chair. Each chair oversees his/her committee and reports to and is a member of the Festival’s Board of Directors.

14.    Legal and Contracts Committee

I believe it’s a good idea, especially for larger festivals, to have a legal/contract committee. In developing and implementing festivals there are many instances where sound legal advice is needed quickly. This could be in the form of contract development or contract review. It could be for incorporation or trademarking.  Having legal advice on hand will save time and money.


15.   Security and Transportation Committee

The security and transportation committee determines what security is needed both when the festival is operating and when it is closed. They also oversee, where needed, road closures, shuttle services, parking and on site transportation. They coordinate all these activities in cooperation with other festival committees. 

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“Developing a Festival” Appendix “PP” – Amenities Coordinating Committee

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