2. Finalizing General Details (Location, Dates & Timing, Insurance, etc.)
Now that the festival is in the planning stage, all key elements have to be finalized and contracts signed where necessary. Make sure everything is in place before proceeding too far. Here is a list of elements to consider.Friday, 28 January 2022
Developing a Festival ~ Planning
Friday, 21 January 2022
Developing a Festival ~Planning
I was watching a well know wildlife artist work on a very detailed painting of a song bird. He was painting it upside down! I asked him how he could paint like that. He told me it was all in the planning. He researched his subject thoroughly, pre-planned the design, and the rest, he said, was just like painting by numbers. Easy for him to say, but hopefully you get the point. Developing a festival is just like painting a great piece of art… it’s all in the planning.
Festival Meetings
Friday, 14 January 2022
“Developing a Festival” Appendix “M” – Preliminary Presentation Outline
In preparing your Preliminary Presentation here are items to remember:
Who is going
to read the presentation and who could affect the approval process? (Club
members; committee members, town officials, etc.) Direst the presentation to
Back all
your presentation information and statements with facts. If you don’t know
something for sure, don’t include it.
Include as
much background material and research material as possible. Include these as
financial figures are your best guess, make sure you do your homework and make
them as accurate as possible.
Give your
readers a detailed description of what the festival will look like (who, where,
what, when, why and how)
Be honest
and realistic in your assessment of the festival. Discuss potential problems
and risks, and then give your readers solutions to these risks and problems.
Keep you
presentation positive, informative, factual and realistic.
Friday, 7 January 2022
“Developing a Festival” Appendix “L” – Benefactor Program Checklist
Benefactor Programs act like a reward to individuals and businesses that want to support the festival financially. In return for paying a specified fee, the benefactor (patron) receives festival perks. Generally, the more a benefactor pays, the more he/she receives. This type of program is popular with larger events who can offer a lot of incentives to the benefactor. Here some ideas of what you could offer:
Consider what activities already available or
easy to implement that could be included in the program
Tickets to opening night preview
Tickets to other events
Special seating at events (VIP area)
Private guided tour of festival
VIP Lounge
Acknowledgement in program
Special concierge service
Special delivery service for purchased items
Special hotel/restaurant packages
Consider other activities that could be added
the program
Special sponsor/benefactor event that would
include celebrities (if attending) and performers (if appropriate)
Special sponsor/benefactor apparel
Benefactor festival pin
Signed festival poster
Special tour of local attraction
Anything is possible, you just want to make
the program enticing enough to have people want to attend your festival and pay
extra for the privilege of being a benefactor.
“Developing a Festival” Appendix “PP” – Amenities Coordinating Committee
Each section committee has different functions they are responsible for. There may be some interaction necessary from time to time. It is ...
4. Overall Festival Plan of Action The most important stage in festival planning is the creation of a comprehensive realistic P...
Once you have all your planning completed and your manpower in place, implementing your plan should be just as easy as painting a picture! T...
Each section committee has different functions they are responsible for. There may be some interaction necessary from time to time. It is ...