Friday, 8 October 2021

Event Development... Continued


16.    Sponsors and Benefactors

Depending on the size and scope of your festival, you may want to consider both a sponsor and a benefactor program. The sponsorship program is aimed directly at corporation (businesses) that would benefit form a connection with your festival. The benefits could include both enhanced corporate image and/or increased sales. This concept can be applied to local, regional, provincial and national corporations. Who you approach will depend on the size and scope of your festival. The benefactor program, which very few festivals employ, is a great concept to attract individuals and smaller businesses to contribute and participate in your festival. The key to both programs is to “GIVE THEM THEIR MONIES WORTH”.  Many festivals approach corporations and individuals with hat in hand, asking for what amounts to a donation. They tell the potential contributor that they need X dollars to buy a “widget” and would the corporation give them all or part of the money to help them out. There is usually very little discussion on what the corporation or individual will receive in return. So, to be a “good corporate citizen”, they give the minimum they can get away with or wore, give nothing at all. Corporations’ and individual’s donation “pots” are normally very low and very divided. Most want to donate to as many deserving causes as possible. However, by appealing to them on a value received basis, the amount of money available is much larger and easier to obtain. Sponsorship and benefactor programs will help you find more money to underwrite and expand your festival. If approached properly, these programs can be a win… win for everyone!

17.    Preliminary Approval

The moment of truth has arrived! You have the basics of your festival. You know what you are holding. Why you are holding it. Who you are holding it for. When and where it is to be held and how you are going to get the job done. Now you have to sell it to your group and get their approval.

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“Developing a Festival” Appendix “PP” – Amenities Coordinating Committee

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