Friday, 29 July 2022

“Developing a Festival” Appendix “Y” – Festival Chair

 The Festival Chair is not only the figure head of the festival, but is the binding that keeps the festival together. The following is a list of duties that should be considered for the Festival Chair:

    Manages the Board of Directors, is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the festival

    Oversees the festival’s goals and objectives

    Oversee the festival’s critical path to insure festival stays on track during its planning and implementation stages

    Ex-officio of all festival committees

    Chairs all Board meetings

    In the case of a tie vote, casts the deciding vote

    Unless otherwise decided, is the official spokesperson of the festival

    Is one of the signing officers of the festival

    Approves and signs the final festival report

    Responsible for the conduct of all Board members

Saturday, 23 July 2022

“Developing a Festival” Appendix “X” – Board of Directors

 The Board of Directors is made up of an executive plus individual committee chairs. Each person has his or her own job. The Board, however, as a whole is responsible for the direction and integrity of the festival and its members. The Boards functions will differ for each festival, but there are some common threads. Whatever you decide are its functions, they should be put in writing at the beginning of the planning stage and all Board members should be completely aware of the Boards functions and their duties, responsibilities and liabilities within the Board of Directors. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

    It is the governing body of the festival

    It approves, maintains and adjusts the direction of the festival

    It is responsible for all festival expenditures

    It is responsible for the safety and health of all festival participants, including committee members, vendors, contracted employees and attendees

    It is responsible for holding regular meetings and keeping accurate festival records

    It is responsible for the financial integrity of the festival

    It is responsible of planning and implementing the best possible festival

Friday, 15 July 2022

“Developing a Festival” Appendixes


Festival Plan Implementation

Appendix “X” – Board of Directors

Appendix “Y” – Festival Chair

Appendix “Z” – Finance Committee/Treasurer

Appendix “AA” – Administration Committee/Secretary

Appendix “BB” – Section Chair Duties

Appendix “CC” – Site & Facilities Committee

Appendix “DD” – Procurement Committee

Appendix “EE” – Marketing and Media Committee

Appendix “FF” – Internet Committee

Appendix “GG” – Sponsorship and Donations Committee

Appendix “HH” – Benefactor Program Committee

Appendix “II” – Volunteers and Manpower Committee

Appendix “JJ” – Events and Activities Committee

Appendix “KK” – Vendors Committee

Appendix “LL” – Legal and Contracts Committee

Appendix “MM” – Security and Transportation Committee

Appendix “NN” – Municipal Liaison Committee

Appendix “OO” – Community Relations Committee

Appendix “PP” – Amenities Coordinating Committee

Monday, 4 July 2022

"Developing a Festival” - Plan Implementation

  The following are possible festival committees. The size and scope of each committee will depend on the festival’s management. Each committee is led by a committee chair. Each chair oversees his/her committee and reports to and is a member of the Festival’s Board of Directors.

16.   Municipal Liaison Committee

Keeping in regular touch with town officials and town staff is very important. This committee makes sure that the lines of communications are open at all times. This committee can head off potential problems before they become a problem.

17.   Community Relations Committee

Many festivals get themselves into trouble by assuming that their community is going to fully support them. In reality this rarely happens. You may get the town fathers on side, but local residents, business leaders, other events, etc. may not like your plans. It is important to start early in getting potential opponents identified and then on side. You may think their concerns are frivolous and unimportant and not worthy of your consideration. If you do, you will be wrong and none response will likely come back to haunt you. A little community relations in the beginning will be well worth the effort.

18.   Amenities Coordinating Committee

This committee looks at other community attractions and amenities and finds ways to include them into the festivals overall scheme. Visitors, especially if they are coming from far away, need a place to eat and possibly a place to sleep. If they plan to stay in the area for awhile, they may be looking for other things to do and see. The more you can tie your festival visitor to the community, the more likely the visitor will come back again. This committee is also responsible for putting discount packages together for visitors. Again, anything a festival can do to attract visitor is worthwhile.

“Developing a Festival” Appendix “PP” – Amenities Coordinating Committee

  Each section committee has different functions they are responsible for. There may be some interaction necessary from time to time. It is ...