Sponsor money and donor
money may come from the same business, but they don’t come from the same pot.
Businesses donate money to causes they support. Normally the donation comes
from the heart. Sponsor money is given because the company sees a business
advantage. This could come from a directed festival marketing program or because
they want their company associated with a great event. The following list shows
what needs to be done to create an effective sponsorship program:
. Prepare a detailed inventory of your event’s
assets and what they will offer potential sponsors
Place a value on each asset
Create different sponsorship categories
Bundle assets into each categories offering
different values to each level
Determine total value (tangible and intangible)
of each category
Create Sponsorship Proposals for each
categories outlining assets offered plus their total value
Prepare list of potential sponsor for each
Prepare personalized Sponsorship Proposal for
each prospective sponsor
Make sales call and presentation
Sign Sponsorship contract
Follow-up with each sponsor throughout the
planning of the event to keep them updated and interested
Prepare service and fulfillment program for
Provide assistance to sponsors during event
Follow-up with each sponsor immediately after
to discuss any challenges and to promote renewing their contract for next year
Follow-up resign sponsors for next year’s event